Easier to lambast

### Reader’s Letter to The Guardian, 31st Jan 2025 ###

Dear Editor,

I read Jakub Krupa and Katie Connolly’s comments on the migration debate in the Bundestag (The Guardian, 31st January 2025) and, indeed yes, the debate, Friedrich Merz and the AfD are all over the news here in Germany too.

It is an ugly topic and I do not welcome the xenophobic undertones but the feeling that I get is that everyone is happy to stir up a juicy “polarised controversy” (racist versus anti-racist) rather than actually talk about the issues, the reality and the measures to be taken.

When it comes to migration, I think that we in the West are massively spoiled and pampered. And we broadcast that fact out to the world so it is no wonder that people want to come here. 

We would do better to …  a.) Moderate our consumption; b.) Stop those manufacturing and procurement processes and terms-of-trade (with the developing world) which verge on colonialism, slavery and robbery and; c.) Get off our lazy buts and do some of the “dirty work” (which we mostly export) ourselves.

But of course it is easier to lambast racists and right-wingers (which the AfD certainly are) rather than actually take steps to solve the problem

Alan Mitcham

Link to postings: https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2025/jan/31/europe-live-germany-parliament-migration-latest-updates-news






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